How to add Trust-pilot reviews as Testimony
How to get Trust-pilot url
Go to Trust-pilot url of your product.
Copy the url from your browser. Example above.
Note: Please pay attention to the Trust-pilot url format when you paste it below.
Testimony directly from Trust-pilot
Social Testimony is designed to be intuitive by itself, and as such most options are just a click away.
Trust-pilot reviews can only be imported in mass. And we only filter 4 star+ reviews with max of 50 reviews.
The reviews from Trust-pilot is marked as draft by default and needs to be enabled.
Follow the below steps :
Login to Social Testimony App.
Go to option "Testimony Wall" on the Menu.
Click on the Testimony Wall you want a new Testimony added to.
After coming to customization page, click button "Add Testimony".
Select the type as "Trust-pilot" in the modal window.
Type the Trust-pilot url and click button "Import"
Refresh the page and your Testimony from Trust-pilot is ready on draft tab.